Drama Thailand U-Prince The Series The Badly Politics Subtitle Indonesia

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Drama Thailand U-Prince The Series The Badly Politics Subtitle Indonesia
Drama Thailand U-Prince The Series The Badly Politics Subtitle Indonesia

Drama Thailand U-Prince The Series The Badly Politics Subtitle Indonesia

Cherrymilk, a young fashion lover, is forced to study Political Science by an order from her father. During a class, her teacher asked her to do a project but ended up being punished by her father.
To survive, she looks for Serwae, a young man who is the only one that has the solution to all her problems. Over time, she falls in love but later learns that he is about to get married.

Drama: U-Prince The Series: The Badly Politics
Country: Thailand
Episodes: 4
Aired: May 7, 2017 – May 28, 2017
Aired On: Sunday
Network: GMM One
Duration: 60 min.
Rating: Not Yet Rated

Korawit Boonsri
Maripha Siripool
Siraloet Ratchani
Pattarakampol C

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Drama Thailand U-Prince The Series The Badly Politics Subtitle Indonesia

Episode 1
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | Mirror

Episode 2
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | Mirror

Episode 3
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | Mirror

Episode 4 END
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | Mirror

Tolong dong beritahukan ke teman, saudara dsb jika anda suka dengan Drama-drama yang ada pada situs drakorindofilms

17 Komentar

  1. Mimin yang baik tolong u prince series yg lain d update dong soalnya kan setiap serinya masih berhubungan satu sama yang lain biar lengkap ceritanya ya ya ya …
    Saya akan setia tungguin kok mimin updatenya

    Makasih sebelumnya udah update u prince
    Teteap semangat ya min buat updatenya

  2. mimin.. upload jg drama thailand nya yg lain donk.. MONSTER ROMANCE,
    dan juga drama2 thailand yg aktor utama nya si super ganteng & keren Puttichai Kasetsin yaitu drama :
    ditunggu yaa mimin..

  3. Iya minn, ini tolong banget di update yaaa, aku suka banget sama Puttichaii, gantengg dan aktingnya juga Bagus.. Tolong Up series MY DEAR LOSER : HAPPY EVER AFTER, UGLY DUCKLING : PERFECT MATCH juga ya miinnn plisssss, serius seruu bangett.. makasih banyakk hehehe

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